The National Safety Council recommends that you include these items in your home and car:
- First aid manual
- Emergency telephone numbers
- List of allergies and medications for each family member
- Antibiotic ointment
- Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin
- Bandages and gauze of assorted sizes and roller gauze bandages
- CPR barrier devices
- Medical exam gloves
- Elastic wraps
- Adhesive tape
- Cold packs for icing injuries
- Thermometer, tweezers and small scissors
Be sure to restock items after you use them, and keep the kit out of reach of young children. Also keep a list of emergency numbers near the telephone for police, fire and ambulance service (9-1-1), the regional poison control center, and family physicians and pediatricians. Prevention is the single most important aspect of first aid. Being prepared is also important. Take a first aid class and learn CPR. Someday, you may be the one to save a person's life. |