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Fire Management Consultant: FAQs
First Aid

Many people find it difficult to consider even the possibility of witnessing a sudden death. Few know what to do if such a situation occurs. Lives are lost daily nationwide from incidents involving heart attack, drowning, choking or electric shock. The steps taken to aid the victim seconds following such an incident can mean the difference between life and death. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the best training to have to try to help someone in an extreme situation when that person has stopped breathing and their circulation has stopped. Learning this basic first-aid technique can help you give a friend, a loved one or a stranger a second chance for life. The heart and lungs work together to circulate oxygen throughout your body. If your brain is deprived of oxygen more than four minutes, there's a good chance you'll suffer brain damage. After 10 minutes, your chances of surviving drop to one in 100. The CPR method taught is a three-step process which is as simple as ABC. The rescuer must first establish an open Airway before determining if the victim can breathe or before breathing for him. If the victim is not breathing, the rescuer must start rescue Breathing. Checking for a pulse to gauge Circulation, and providing circulation of needed via cardiac compression, is the third step. CPR training also includes instruction in the skills necessary to properly care for a victim with an obstructed airway. Once the details are mastered, CPR is not difficult. But the details are important because, even when performed properly, CPR provides only 25 to 35 percent of the body's normal blood flow. If performed improperly, cracked ribs, rib separations or damage to internal organs can occur. The National Safety Council recommends professionally administered CPR training for all persons.

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Select a FAQ below to see the detailed answer.

General FAQ

BulletCertfication: What kind of certification will I receive taking a course through FMC?

BulletRegistration: Can I still register for a class after the deadline?

BulletRegistration: Do you offer any discounts?

BulletRegistration: Do you take credit cards?

BulletRegistration: How do I register for a class?

BulletRegistration: If I can’t attend a class that I registered for can I get a refund?

Fire Service Training FAQ

No Fire Service Training FAQ are available

EMS Training FAQ

BulletCertfication: Why should we be certified through FMC and not The American Red Cross?

BulletFirst Aid: Who should be trained in CPR and First Aid?

BulletFirst Aid: Why is it important for me to learn how to defibrillate (shock) a person's heart?

BulletFirst Aid: Why should my business have CPR and AED training?

BulletLegal: Can I (or my business) be sued for administering CPR/First Aid or using an AED in an attempt to save a victim’s life?

BulletTraining: How do I choose the right CPR class for my business or group?

Rescue Operations Training FAQ

No Rescue Operations Training FAQ are available

Fuels Management FAQ

BulletDo you have some maintenance tips I can do on my own?

BulletDoes my home need a defensible space?

BulletHow can FMC, Fuels Management Division help me to make a good decision on whether I need defensible space around my home?

BulletHow can I really find out about the threat of wildfire to my home?

BulletHow much will it cost me to comply with the defensible space rules and regulations?

BulletIs the Fire Resistant / Fire Wise Landscaping going to leave my property looking bare and ugly?

BulletIs there someone I can hire to evaluate my defensible space and assess the wildfire hazard at the same time?

BulletWhat does the defensible space evaluation consist of?

BulletWhat is a defensible space?

BulletWhat is Fire Resistant / Fire Wise Landscaping?

Home Owner Services FAQ

BulletFirst Aid: How do you save someone who is choking?

BulletFirst Aid: How do you treat a poisoning?

BulletFirst Aid: What about cuts and bruises?

BulletFirst Aid: What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

BulletFirst Aid: What special precautions are important when providing first aid?

BulletFirst Aid: What supplies should you keep in a first aid kit?

BulletFirst Aid: What's the best way to treat a burn?

BulletFirst Aid: When do you call an ambulance?

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Customer Comments

The class was just what I needed to enhance my skills. Over All a Great Class

Bryan Hunt, Battalion City of Ceres

I would recommend anyone in the Fire Service to attend the classes that are sponsored by FMC!

Carlos Aguilera-Fire Captain Cal Fire-Monterey Unit

On Monday, Ocotber 25th, 2010 we were dispatched toa Coastal Incident. Being part of the Rescue Boat Program Keith Bickford and Captain Carlos Aguilera launched the resceu baot fro Whalers Cove (Point Lobos State Park). A "big" wave had swept 2 wome

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