It's vital to check out the scene and make sure it's safe to provide first aid,.otherwise, you may become another victim. Turn off any electrical power if someone has been electrically shocked, and look for other hazards, such as downed power lines, smoke, or dangerous swimming conditions in a near-drowning emergency. Coming into contact with another person's blood or other bodily fluid may increase your risk of infectious disease. But experts say this fear is overblown. "Research shows the actual risk of disease transmission from providing first aid is very small," says Dr. Vinay Nadkarmi, director of pediatric intensive care at A.I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware. A rescuer may use barrier devices, such as a face shield, facemask or medical exam gloves. If these gloves are not available, create a barrier with a plastic bag or clean cloth. Wash your hands thoroughly after you provide first aid. |