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Fire Management Consultant: FAQs

FMC, Fuels Management Division can conduct the hazard assessment, defensible space evaluation and give you an estimate for completing the fuels management all at the same time.

Note: Homeowners in high or severe fire hazard areas must have a 100 foot defensible space surrounding the home. The law CA PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 4291-4299 and the CA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 51175-51189 requires this 100 foot of defensible space in State Responsibility Areas (S.R.A.) and it is enforced by Cal Fire. You can find these laws at

Return to FAQs

Select a FAQ below to see the detailed answer.

General FAQ

BulletCertfication: What kind of certification will I receive taking a course through FMC?

BulletRegistration: Can I still register for a class after the deadline?

BulletRegistration: Do you offer any discounts?

BulletRegistration: Do you take credit cards?

BulletRegistration: How do I register for a class?

BulletRegistration: If I can’t attend a class that I registered for can I get a refund?

Fire Service Training FAQ

No Fire Service Training FAQ are available

EMS Training FAQ

BulletCertfication: Why should we be certified through FMC and not The American Red Cross?

BulletFirst Aid: Who should be trained in CPR and First Aid?

BulletFirst Aid: Why is it important for me to learn how to defibrillate (shock) a person's heart?

BulletFirst Aid: Why should my business have CPR and AED training?

BulletLegal: Can I (or my business) be sued for administering CPR/First Aid or using an AED in an attempt to save a victim’s life?

BulletTraining: How do I choose the right CPR class for my business or group?

Rescue Operations Training FAQ

No Rescue Operations Training FAQ are available

Fuels Management FAQ

BulletDo you have some maintenance tips I can do on my own?

BulletDoes my home need a defensible space?

BulletHow can FMC, Fuels Management Division help me to make a good decision on whether I need defensible space around my home?

BulletHow can I really find out about the threat of wildfire to my home?

BulletHow much will it cost me to comply with the defensible space rules and regulations?

BulletIs the Fire Resistant / Fire Wise Landscaping going to leave my property looking bare and ugly?

BulletIs there someone I can hire to evaluate my defensible space and assess the wildfire hazard at the same time?

BulletWhat does the defensible space evaluation consist of?

BulletWhat is a defensible space?

BulletWhat is Fire Resistant / Fire Wise Landscaping?

Home Owner Services FAQ

BulletFirst Aid: How do you save someone who is choking?

BulletFirst Aid: How do you treat a poisoning?

BulletFirst Aid: What about cuts and bruises?

BulletFirst Aid: What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

BulletFirst Aid: What special precautions are important when providing first aid?

BulletFirst Aid: What supplies should you keep in a first aid kit?

BulletFirst Aid: What's the best way to treat a burn?

BulletFirst Aid: When do you call an ambulance?

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Customer Comments

Great Instructor! Very knowledgeable on the subject


Background and experience of instructor allows him to relate course material to the job.


The instructor did a good job. Well spoken and interacts with the students in a positive manner.

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