When people are unable to speak, cough or breathe, they need immediate first aid to dislodge the object in their throat and restore normal breathing. For a conscious adult or child over 1 year of age, experts recommend abdominal thrusts, often called the Heimlich maneuver. Stand behind the victim, make a fist, place it above her navel (thumb side into abdomen), put your other hand on top of your fist, and give quick, upward and inward thrusts. If the victim becomes unresponsive, give CPR. Look inside the mouth before giving breaths and remove any object you see. Give conscious infants five back slaps followed by five chest thrusts, continue cycles of 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrusts until the object is expelled or the infant becomes unresponsive. If the infant becomes unresponsive, give CPR. Look inside the mouth before giving breaths and remove any object you see. |